Registration - Clarify what is allowed for Update

Issue #754 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Both in d14 and d15, any parameter seems to be able to be updated. For example, if the tos_url and policy_url was updated, do not we have to ask the user for consent again? If the tos_url, policy_url and contacts were updated, can we still regard it as the same client? (I suspect, in this case, they should register as a new client.)

Since we are talking about consent, just the fact that client_id is the same probably would not be good enough to consider it as the same client.

These behavior are not defined right now, and I can conceive of an attack by a malicious client.

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I think this may be a red herring, since the contents of what's at the tos_url or policy_url can change at any time (as far as the IdP is concerned).

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    To clarify: while the example is a red herring, the semantics of update are currently unclear in both the OIDC and OAuth drafts.

  3. Michael Jones

    Placed on hold since this issue is about the Registration Client Update operation and we have removed that operation, per issue #755.

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