Drop claims short cut

Issue #1142 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

the spec currently allows to use short cuts for defining the claims to be attested in the verified_claims structure

“Note: A claims sub-element with value null is interpreted as a request for all possible Claims. An example is shown in the following …”

Feedback indicates this leads to ambiguity and does not foster privacy preserving behaviour of RPs

I suggest to drop the short cut.

Comments (8)

  1. Takahiko Kawasaki

    Then, still, behaviors for the cases of "claims":null and ”claims”:{} need to be described explicitly. Please keep my feedback made during the public review period ( Issue 1110 ) in mind this time. (I’ve already implemented special parsing for the current rules, though.)

  2. Achim Schlosser

    I would support the removal, stumbled across this while reading the spec (Privacy by Design). This is not possible in the core spec either, why should it be supported here.

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