Structure for given names

Issue #1204 new
Mark Haine created an issue

As part of the TISA use case review there is a suggestion that a more tightly defined structure for given name could be created.

There was discussion about given name being an array, some discussion of whether middle names were just given names and also whether there should/could be a preferred given name

Comments (2)

  1. Nat Sakimura

    The naming scheme is very culturally dependent and if we want to go into there, perhaps it would be better to be left to the extensions.

  2. Adrian Field

    Shouldn’t this be a structure for all names, rather than just ‘given name’?

    We already have the following:

    OIDC Core

    • name
    • given_name
    • family_name
    • middle_name
    • nickname
    • preferred_username


    • birth_family_name
    • birth_given_name
    • birth_middle_name
    • also_known_as

    could be part of a name in some cultures?

    • salutation
    • title

    Would a structured Name array replace the above? or just be for historical names with to/from dates, perhaps as an extension as Nat says?

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