develop eKYC roadmap for 2021

Issue #1223 resolved
Mark Haine created an issue

This task is to prepare a document that defines the intended roadmap for eKYC & IDA WG for 2021

Comments (8)

  1. Mark Haine reporter

    Initial thoughts…

    Q1 - Implementers draft 3 release


    • Age Verification
    • Attachment of evidence documents
    • a number of other editorial and minor functional enhancements

    Q2 - Conformance testing strategy and tooling

    Q2 - Authority claims

    Q3 - Conditional claims

    Joint projects with partner organisations


    • Q1 - Open Banking UK
    • Q2 - METI
    • Q2 - GLEIF

  2. Torsten Lodderstedt

    I suggest to add “RP-controlled behavior in case claims are not available” (abort/omit) to Q1 .

  3. Mark Haine reporter

    Here is Don Thibeau’s message about ‘purpose’ of FAQ and Roadmap pasted over from the mailing list…

    The purpose of the requested FAQ and Roadmap is to provide an authoritative source ( owned by the Work Group ) for members and the community at large to provide a clear line of sight to 2021 plans and priorities.

    Work Group members know all too well that the global identity ecosystems is noisy, crowed and "balkanized.”  This is particularly true of the Know-Your-Customer space.  The growing number of regulatory initiatives, the increased amount of investment and the overall volatility of markets has resulted in complexity, cost and confusion for all stakeholders. It has also resulted in the increased interest and inquiries to the OpenID Foundation about the eKYC Work Group.

    OpenID Foundation Chairman Nat Sakimura has called 2021 the “Year of eKYC citing recent Financial Action Task Force recommendations among others ”  I often cite the critical need for international interoperability, which can only be obtained when conformance to technical standards and compliance to legal and regulatory requirements are clear and certified. We have learned through the success of OpenID Connect, that adoption is not enough, that self-certification often required to so all may “trust but verify.” 

    While the OpenID Foundation reach and reputation among technologists is strong and its technical depth deep, it rely’s on a resource base that is the sum of volunteered human and financial capital of its members. In order to maximize the OpenID Foundation’s support for the Work Group’s effort, our strategy is to work “wholesale not retail.”  That is to say answer as many common questions by providing links like this "How Do Working Groups Work” and focus “retail” efforts on adding diversity and depth to membership. 
    IMHO the distinguishing characteristics of the most successful Work Groups: one, they focused on a burning business problem, two, they kept the end user in mind; three, they had technology at their core; four, they were international; and five, they were open, transparent and trusted.
    Thanks for your good work
    Don Thibeau OpenID Foundation 

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