country in address claim

Issue #1239 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

OIDC defines the address claim’s country field as “Country name component.“

We see the need to use an ISO country code instead of a name (like we do for place_of_birth”), e.g. for multi language support. and use the address claim this way. However, this does not match the OIDC definition.

I think the best way would be to define a new address claim suiting the needs of eKYC, e.g. postal_address.

Comments (7)

  1. Kai Lehmann

    We had also trouble with interpreting the country element of the address claim as defined by OIDCC. As implementors we would have prefered an ISO country code here. However, I’m not so sure if a completely new address claim should be introduced. I’d rather stick with the address claim and have an additional sub element containing the country ISO code (e.g. “country_code” or “cc” side by side with the “country” name. We might want to ask the OIDCC team how they feel about the country code not being represented in the address claim and whether they would like to change this.

  2. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    We might want to ask the OIDCC team how they feel about the country code not being represented in the address claim and whether they would like to change this.

    Good idea, I’m reaching out to Mike.

  3. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    discussed on call - adding a new sub field “country_code” seems to be easiest solution.

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