May delegate authority

Issue #1244 resolved
Mark Haine created an issue

A flag indicating whether an authority my delegate the authority to another party.

The suggestion is the addition of an additional attribute called “may_delegate”.

“may_delegate” is false by default and meand that the authority may not be passed to another end-user

when “may_delegate” is true then the authority can be passed to another natural person.

Comments (5)

  1. Julian White

    That’s a good idea, although the delegation maybe passed to an organisation as well as a natural person.

  2. Steinar Noem

    The idea is that the right to represent that was given from legal entity A to legal entity B is realized through the end users delegated rights to represent legal entity B. The primary subject is the end-user, and the structure describes the relationship between the end user and legal entities.

    In the cases I know the important thing for the RP to know is which legal entities the end user can represent. Whether this is based on a delegation given to the legal entity that the user represents or directly to the end user is not important. But there might be cases where this needs to be expressed explicitly?

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