Create explicit cross references between evidence and identity process

Issue #1259 resolved
Julian White created an issue

Some RP’s are required (for compliance or regulatory reasons) to retain information about exactly how the identity checking was done. The current specification contains all the information about the evidence and in most cases you could probably reverse engineer that from the fields but it would be better if the OP could be explicit on how the evidence and processes were linked.

Regardless, there are some cases where its not really possible to reverse engineer the process from the data. Whilst the individual evidence objects contain information about what they are the schema doesn’t really represent how multiple evidences are combined to meet a part of the assurance_process when it is not obvious in their own right.

For example; sometimes the OP may use multiple electronic_records to complete one part of the assurance_process (like counter fraud, background checks or knowledge based verification) and that can’t be expressed that they relate to the same step in the current syntax.

Comments (8)

  1. Julian White reporter

    My first thoughts on how to resolve this is we could make the procedure element of assurance_process an object and include some sort of identifiers to cross reference between it and the evidence's. Handily we already have verifier with a txn in the schema. Its currently defined as a “JSON object denoting the legal entity that performed the identity verification on behalf of the OP. This object SHOULD only be included if the OP did not perform the identity verification itself. This object consists of the following properties”, however if we simply redefined it to allow the OP to use it as well as 3rd parties we can use the txn as the cross reference. Currently organization is mandatory, but we could make it optional as the OP doesn't need to restate that it is itself.

    For example:

    verifier: OPTIONAL. JSON object denoting the procedure performed for identity verification. This object consists of the following properties:

    • organization: OPTIONAL. String denoting the organization which performed the verification, this object SHOULD be included if the OP did not perform the identity verification itself.
    • txn: OPTIONAL. Identifier referring to the identity verification transaction. The OP MUST ensure that the transaction identifier can be resolved into transaction details during an audit.

    The txn can then be referenced in the procedure if that is made in object along with useful metadata, for example:

    procedure: OPTIONAL. JSON object representing the details of the procedure from the policy that was followed. The OP SHOULD include this where the RP is required to demonstrate full traceability to the policy for regulatory or compliance purposes. This object consists of the following properties:

    • approach: OPTIONAL. String representing the specific approach to assuring the user’s identity from the policy that was followed.
    • assurance_details: OPTIONAL. JSON object representing the traceability of how the evidence was used in order to meet the requirements of the approach or policy.

      • type: OPTIONAL. String denoting how these assurance_details meet the requirements in the approach or policy. The OP SHOULD include this when the transaction isn’t self explanatory, e.g. this can not be determined by the validation_method or verification_method.
      • classification: OPTIONAL. String containing any classification or metadata about the type that is needed in order to demonstrate compliance to the approach or policy
      • transaction: MANDATORY. JSON object consisting of the evidence transactions that were used to comply with the requirements of the approach or policy.

        • txn: MANDATORY. String referring to the verification transaction identifier. The OP MUST ensure that the transaction identifier matches a txn in the verifier object of the evidence.
        • type: OPTIONAL. String denoting how these transaction is used to demonstrate compliance with requirements in the assurance_details classification, approach or policy.
        • classification: OPTIONAL. String containing the classification or metadata about the transaction that is needed in order to demonstrate compliance.

    For any given procedurethere may be 1 or more assurance_details, and for any assurance_details there may be 1 or more transactions.

  2. Julian White reporter

    Something like this:

      "verified_claims": {
        "verification": {
          "trust_framework": "uk_tfida",
          "assurance_level": "medium",
          "assurance_process": {
              "policy": "gpg45",
              "procedure": {
                "approach": "m1b",
                "assurance_details": {
                  "type": "evidence",
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "85762937582385820"
                "assurance_details": {
                  "type": "counter_fraud",
                  "classification": "score_2",
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "927098238DF2958",
                    "type": "mortality",
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "239847029873601",
                    "type": "mortality",
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "663275837205749582",
                    "type": "impostor",
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "9756672965723984576",
                    "type": "pep",
                "assurance_details": {
                  "type": "activity",
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "75676239359725251"
                "assurance_details": {
                  "type": "verification",
                  "classification": "score_2",
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "85659376592765",
                    "type": "kbv",
                    "classification": "medium_kbv"
                  "transaction": {
                    "txn": "44650216592659265",
                    "type": "kbv",
                    "classification": "high_kbv"
          "time": "2021-05-11T14:29Z",
          "verification_process": "7675D80F-57E0-AB14-9543-26B41FC22",
          "evidence": [
              "type": "document",
              "validation_method": {
                "type": "data",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "procedure": "score_2",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "85762937582385820",
                  "organization": "DVLA"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:12Z",
              "document_details": {
                "type": "driving_permit",
                "personal_number": "MORGA753116SM9IJ",
                "document_number": "MORGA753116SM9IJ35",
                "serial_number": "ZG21000001",
                "date_of_issuance": "2021-01-01",
                "date_of_expiry": "2030-12-31",
                "issuer": {
                    "name": "DVLA",
                    "country": "UK",
                    "country_code": "GBR",
                    "jurisdiction": "GB-GBN"
              "type": "electronic_record",
              "validation_method": {
                "type": "data",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "status": "no_trace",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "927098238DF2958",
                  "organization": "Transunion"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:12Z",
              "record": {
                "type": "death_register",
                "source": {
                    "name": "General Register Office",
                    "street_address": "PO BOX 2",
                    "locality": "Southport",
                    "postal_code": "PR8 2JD",
                    "country": "UK",
                    "country_code": "GBR",
                    "jurisdiction": "GB-EAW"
              "type": "electronic_record",
              "validation_method": {
                "type": "data",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "status": "false_positive",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "239847029873601",
                  "organization": "Wilmington"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:14Z",
              "record": {
                "type": "death_record",
                "source": {
                    "name": "Wilmington Millennium",
                    "street_address": "The Chapel, The Sidings",
                    "locality": "Shipley",
                    "postal_code": "BD18 1BN",
                    "country": "UK",
                    "country_code": "GBR"
              "type": "electronic_record",
              "validation_method": {
                "type": "data",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "status": "no_trace",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "663275837205749582",
                  "organization": "Experian"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:15Z",
              "record": {
                "type": "id_fraud",
                "source": {
                    "name": "Experian",
                    "street_address": "Newenham House, Northern Cross, Malahide Road",
                    "locality": "Dublin",
                    "postal_code": "D17 AY61",
                    "country": "Ireland",
                    "country_code": "IE",
                    "jurisdiction": "GBR"
              "type": "electronic_record",
              "validation_method": {
                "type": "data",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "status": "no_trace",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "9756672965723984576",
                  "organization": "Experian"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:15Z",
              "record": {
                "type": "pep_register",
                "source": {
                    "name": "Experian",
                    "street_address": "Newenham House, Northern Cross, Malahide Road",
                    "locality": "Dublin",
                    "postal_code": "D17 AY61",
                    "country": "Ireland",
                    "country_code": "IE",
                    "jurisdiction": "GBR"
              "type": "electronic_record",
              "validation_method": {
                "type": "data",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "procedure": "score_1",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "75676239359725251",
                  "organization": "Experian"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:15Z",
              "record": {
                "type": "cra_record",
                "source": {
                    "name": "Experian",
                    "street_address": "Newenham House, Northern Cross, Malahide Road",
                    "locality": "Dublin",
                    "postal_code": "D17 AY61",
                    "country": "Ireland",
                    "country_code": "IE",
                    "jurisdiction": "GBR"
              "type": "electronic_record",
              "verification_method": {
                "type": "kbv",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "status": "passed",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "85659376592765",
                  "organization": "Equifax"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:18Z",
              "record": {
                "type": "mortgage_account",
                "source": {
                    "name": "Equifax",
                    "street_address": "1 Angel Court",
                    "locality": "London",
                    "postal_code": "EC2R 7HJ",
                    "country": "UK",
                    "country_code": "GBR",
              "type": "electronic_record",
              "verification_method": {
                "type": "kbv",
                "policy": "gpg45",
                "status": "passed",
                "verifier": {
                  "txn": "44650216592659265",
                  "organization": "Phronesis"
              "time": "2021-04-09T14:18Z",
              "record": {
                "type": "utility_account",
                "source": {
                    "name": "Vodafone"
        "claims": {
          "given_name": "Sarah",
          "family_name": "Meredyth",
          "birthdate": "1976-03-11",
          "place_of_birth": {
            "country": "UK"
          "address": {
            "locality": "Edinburgh",
            "postal_code": "EH1 9GP",
            "country": "UK",
            "street_address": "122 Burns Crescent"

  3. Mark Haine

    Here is the latest version discussed between @Nick Mothershaw, @Julian White and myself.

    There are a cople of refinements, specifically:

    • addition of “evidence_link” using the evidence “txn” value
    • addition of “evidence_claims” to evidence element

        "verified_claims": {
          "verification": {
            "trust_framework": "uk_tfida",
            "assurance_level": "medium",
            "time": "2021-05-11T14:29Z",
            "assurance_process": {
              "policy": "gpg45",
              "procedure": "m1b",
              "assurance_details": [
                  "assurance_type": "evidence_validation",
                  "classification": "score_3_2",
                  "evidence_link": [
                      "txn": "85762937582385820"
                  "assurance_type": "evidence_validation",
                  "classification": "score_2_2",
                  "evidence_link": [
                      "txn": "85762937582385345"
                  "assurance_type": "Identity fraud",
                  "classification": "score_2",
                  "evidence_link": [
                      "txn": "pep###############"
                  "assurance_type": "activity",
                  "classification": "score_2",
                  "evidence_link": [
                      "txn": "75676239359725251"
                  "assurance_type": "verification",
                  "classification": "score_2",
                  "evidence_link": [
                      "txn": "high_kbv4############"
            "evidence": [
                  "type": "document",
                  "validation_method": {
                    "type": "data"
                  "verifier": {
                    "txn": "85762937582385820",
                    "organization": "OnFelix"
                  "time": "2021-04-09T14:12Z",
                  "document_details": {
                    "type": "driving_permit",
                    "personal_number": "MORGA753116SM9IJ",
                    "document_number": "MORGA753116SM9IJ35",
                    "serial_number": "ZG21000001",
                    "date_of_issuance": "2021-01-01", 
                    "date_of_expiry": "2030-12-31",
                    "issuer": {
                      "name": "DVLA",
                      "country": "UK",
                      "country_code": "GBR",
                      "jurisdiction": "GB-GBN"
                    "evidence_claims": {
                      "given_name": "Sarah",
                      "family_name": "Meredyth"
                  "type": "electronic_record",
                  "validation_method": {
                    "type": "data"
                  "verifier": {
                    "txn": "high_kbv4############",
                    "organization": "KBV Provider X"
                  "time": "2021-04-09T14:12Z",
                  "record": {
                    "type": "high_kbv"
                  "type": "electronic_record",
                  "validation_method": {
                    "type": "data"
                  "verifier": {
                    "txn": "high_kbv4############",
                    "organization": "OnFelix"
                  "time": "2021-04-09T14:12Z",
                  "record": {
                    "type": "high_kbv"
                  "attachments": [
                      "desc": "OnFelix embedded validation",
                      "content_type": "jwt",
                      "content": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IlNhcmFoIE1lcmVkeXRoIiwiaWF0IjoxNjE2MjM5MDIyLCJkb2NUeXBlIjoxLCJNYXRjaGluZ1Jlc3VsdCI6eyJNYXRjaGluZ0NvdW50IjozLCJEb2NGcm9udE1hdGNoIjp0cnVlLCJEb2NUaWx0TWF0Y2giOnRydWUsIkRvY1JlYXJNYXRjaCI6dHJ1ZSwiTGl2ZW5lc3NTY29yZSI6ODQsIkRvY0Zyb250U2NvcmUiOjkxLCJEb2NUaWx0U2NvcmUiOjc2LCJEb2NSZWFyU2NvcmUiOjg4fSwiT25GZWxpeF90eG4iOiIxMjM0NTQ2NzgifQ.FqMBfIcf5x6TQu1GQlWpPzuQqhUjE9_kniZDaCA2htI",
                      "txn": "123454678"
          "claims": {
            "given_name": "Sarah",
            "family_name": "Meredyth",
            "birthdate": "1976-03-11",
            "place_of_birth": {
              "country": "UK"
            "address": {
              "locality": "Edinburgh",
              "postal_code": "EH1 9GP",
              "country": "UK",
              "street_address": "122 Burns Crescent"

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