Fix msisdn example

Issue #1262 resolved
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

A developer pointed out that the example msisdn has an incorrect syntax - the string should be completely numeric, i.e. no leading plus or zero(s) in front of the country code. The msisdn in the example should therefore appear as `1999550123`.

msisdn string End-User's mobile phone number formatted according to ITU-T recommendation [@!E.164], e.g., +1999550123



Comments (5)

  1. Bjorn Hjelm

    I’ve checked ITU-T E.164 format and the existing text is in accordance with the specification. Could someone point me to a reference that supports the proposed format change?

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov reporter

    Hi Bjorn,

    Here is a link to the reference:

    In English and PDF:!!PDF-E&type=items

    6.2 Structure of the international ITU-T E.164-number

    The international ITU-T E.164-number is composed of a variable number of decimal digits
    arranged in specific code fields. The international ITU-T E.164-number code fields are the country
    code (CC) and remaining fields are specific to the use being made of the international ITU-T E.164
    number as shown in Figures 1 to 5.

    A numbering plan does not include prefixes, suffixes, and additional information required to
    complete a call.

  3. Bjorn Hjelm

    As a claim, I’m fine with changing the example to omit the “+” but your developer is interpreting ITU-T E.164 incorrectly as the way phone numbers are routed within telecommunication networks.

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