OP metadata should indicate if empty arrays are okay or not

Issue #1265 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

In https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-1_0-ID3.html#name-op-metadata some entries contain ‘This array must have at least one member.’ and some contain ‘This array may have zero or more members.’, but e.g. electronic_records does not, and I presume falls into the ‘at least one member’ case, as do the other arrays that don’t explicitly refer to the allowed number of elements.

Comments (8)

  1. Joseph Heenan reporter

    A related question, is it valid to have electronic_records when evidence_supporteddoes not contain electronic_record?

  2. Joseph Heenan reporter

    So here’s a summary of what’s in id3 that I think needs changing:

    evidence_supported - says ‘REQUIRED’ and ‘zero or more entries’, but as per rfc8414-3.2 empty arrays aren’t permitted, so this should be ‘optional’ and ‘1 or more members’.

    documents_supported - says 'REQUIRED when evidence_supported contains "document" or "id_document"' - I believe it should explicitly say '1 or more members'.

    documents_methods_supported - says ‘OPTIONAL'. Should probably explicit say ‘if present, must contain 1 or more members’.

    documents_validation_methods_supported - same as documents_methods_supported

    documents_verification_methods_supported - same as documents_methods_supported

    electronic_records_supported - says ‘REQUIRED when evidence_supported contains electronic_record’. I believe it should say ‘if present, must contain 1 or more members’

    claims_in_verified_claims_supported - says ‘REQUIRED’. I believe should say ‘must contain 1 or more members’.

    attachments_supported is a bit confusing currently - it says ‘REQUIRED when OP supports external attachments’ but I think ‘external’ wasn’t intended to be included there. I think it could be “OPTIONAL. If the OP supports attachments, it must include this with at least 1 member. Valid members are ‘external’ and ‘embedded’.”

    digest_algorithms_supported is probably okay, though for consistency with other members (and upstream standard, where REQUIRED is never indicated as a conditional) as it’s optional I think it be tagged as optional.

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