Consider renaming the claim to country_code

Issue #1273 wontfix
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

The current claim name may confuse implementers and developers to use a country name instead of a code.

Two of the examples in section 8 have this issue (see issue #1271).

Comments (2)

  1. Mark Haine

    That would appear to be a breaking change for at least one of the production implementations so although I understand your point I think we should probably live with it and fix the examples if necessary.

    Incidentally I had been hoping that the beta conformance tool might check things like this. Conformance team have said that if it’s defined in the schema then it’s tested. Short answer though is that it appears that the schema does not go into that level of detail at the moment, not even close.

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov reporter

    Yeah, I thought it will be a breaking change, the claim has been around since the very first versions.

    We took the effort to enumerate the codes from the ISO standard in the Java SDK, to help developers avoid from such errors. There are resource files in the SDK which have all official codes listed. If this can help with the conformance code feel free to use it.

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