Clarification regarding OP metadata: documents_methods_supported, documents_validation_methods_supported, documents_verification_methods_supported

Issue #1275 resolved
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

A question came up when devising OP metadata constraints logic for these 3 fields - do they apply to evidences of type document (and the deprecated id_document), or to all types of evidence? The documents_ prefix seems to imply the former.

documents_methods_supported: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing the validation & verification process the OP supports (see @!predefined_values).

documents_validation_methods_supported: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing the document validation methods the OP supports (see @!predefined_values).

documents_verification_methods_supported: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing the verification methods the OP supports (see @!predefined_values).

Comments (9)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov reporter

    Thank you Mark, I wanted to confirm this so that the software logic works correctly.

  2. Mark Haine

    Some clarifying text may be appropriate given that the question was asked… perhaps something like:

    “in all places that we refer to document it should include id_document if the deprecated version is being used”

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