Broken reference in schema file

Issue #1287 resolved
Mark Haine created an issue

there is a reference to the file “verified_claims_request-12.json“ but that file does not exist

Comments (7)

  1. Takahiko Kawasaki

    $id of verified_claims.json was changed from to by the commit a04bbb8 on Jan 25, 2022. The same commit changed the value of a $ref from verified_claims_request-12.json#/definitions/verified_claims_def to verified_claims_request.json#/definitions/verified_claims_def.

    However, still says as follows. See the value of the target attribute of the reference tag.

    <reference anchor="verified_claims.json" target="">
        <title>JSON Schema for assertions using verified_claims</title>
            <organization>OpenID Foundation</organization>
       <date year="2020"/>

    The URL of is actually accessible. On the other hand,{verified_claims.json|verified_claims_request.json|claims_schema.json} are not accessible. Therefore, if a JSON validator tries to fetch to resolve verified_claims_request.json#/definitions/verified_claims_def (instead of using a pre-cached local copy of verified_claims_request.json), an error will occur.

    That is, inconsistencies among JSON files and MD files exist. So, the files must be modified to align with each other.

    BTW, the magic number 12 doesn’t look cool. Is there a plan to remove 12 or replace 12 with final (or something else) toward the finalization of the IDA specification?

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