Unique person identifiers - Linked persons should be uniquely verifiable within a given scheme/trust framework

Issue #1292 new
Adrian Field created an issue

The IDA spec has several instances where either a legal person or natural person are linked to the ‘end user’ person who is the subject of the claims, e.g.

  • document - issuer & verifier(s)
  • record - source & verifier(s)
  • vouch - voucher and organisation(s)

These ‘persons’ should all be uniquely verifiable within either a global context (e.g. LEI) or within a given trust framework and scheme, to enable a ‘chain of trust’ to be verified (either digitally/dynamically or via an offline assurance process).

To enable this, the ‘organisation’ element should be a json object that allows various legal person identifiers to be used (similar to the ‘Authority’ spec).

The ‘voucher’ should include an identifier that could be an IDA natural person itself (within a given TF/scheme), to give assurance that the voucher (and/or the org they represent) has been through an assurance process.

The trust framework and scheme should also have identifiers to enable traceability (we have them for TF, but not scheme as a ‘sub-TF’ level currently).

Comments (1)

  1. Torsten Lodderstedt

    The original intend of the organization claim was to add data to the verified claims structure that are good enough to process a dispute and was guided by our implementation experience. This proposal elevates it to a whole new level. I think that deserves a new claim, which could be defined in a profile of the OIDC4IDA spec.

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