Consistency of keywords

Issue #1364 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

The spec currently mixes MUST/must/SHALL/shall.

It needs to be consistent.

Also, keywords definition should be there. Draft -05 removed RFC 2119 keywords from scope & requirements.

Comments (7)

  1. Mark Haine

    I had a chat with Nat, my notes form that WRT this issue are that when using RFC 2119 is is not good to use normative words in a way that does not have a normative meaning - so re-phrase the sentenses with lowercase ‘normative’ words to use other words. This should be done regardless of the decision about ISO style -vs- RFC 2119 style because ISO style does not use capitalisation as it cannot be translated.

  2. Mark Haine

    The word MAY/may needs to be looked at as well. two questions:

    if “may” then can we re-word to some other term?

    if “MAY” then is it really needed? In ISO “may” grants permission and “can” indicates an option.

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