consent and error handling contradiction

Issue #1380 resolved
Mark Haine created an issue

Section 6.5.1 and 6.5.4 contradict each other in some circumstances

Comments (7)

  1. Mark Haine reporter

    6.5.1. Unavailable or Non-consented Data

    If the OP does not have data about a certain Claim, does not understand/support the respective Claim, or the End-User does not consent to the release of the specific data, the respective Claim MUST be omitted from the response. The OP MUST NOT return an error to the RP.


    6.5.4. Error Handling

    If the OP encounters an error, or the End-User does not consent to the whole transaction, standard OpenID Connect authentication error response logic applies, as defined in Section of [OpenID].

    What is the resolution?

    To begin with split out the cases of “unavailable” and “non-consented”

    With regard to consent/authorization to share with the RP, I’m pretty sure we should not mandate consent as a normative requirement for releasing claims.

    perhaps a section saying something like when consent is requested interactively any subset of claims not consented should be omitted from the response and if no sub-elements of the request are authorized then the entire response shopuld be aborted with error…

  2. Mark Haine reporter

    Also spotted a typo in line 413 “to enable a finer-grained control of the RP over the behavior of the OP when data is unavailable or does not match the criteria“ - the first “of” should be a “by”

  3. Mark Haine reporter

    Just noting down the discrete cases we should describe:

    1. Unavailable Data
    2. Non-consent for subset of data requestsed
    3. No consent to whole transaction
    4. Data doesn't match value, values, max_age

    then there is the case of some other error

    also need to leave the possibility of further extensions in this space open

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