[IdA Claims Registration] typos

Issue #1404 resolved
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

This is a review for “OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Claims Registration 1.0”.

  1. Torsten’s affiliation in the “Authors” section should be changed from yes.com to his current organization.
  2. “draft” should be removed from the specification title.
  3. “an id_token” → “an ID Token” (in the “Introduction” section)
  4. The “Warning” section should be removed from the final version.
  5. “claim provider” → “a claims provider” (twice in “3.2. identity proofing”)
  6. “claim provider” → “claims provider” (in “3.3. identity verification”)
  7. “claim provider” → “claims provider” (in “3.4. identity assurance”)
  8. “End-User data” → “end-user data” (in the first paragraph in “4.1. Additional claims about end-users”)
  9. “End-User’s place of birth” → “End-user’s place of birth” (in the description for place_of_birth in “4.1. Additional claims about end-users”)
  10. The scheme of the link to the OIDC Core spec in the “Normative References” section should be changed from http to https.
  11. The scheme of the link to the OIDC4IDA spec in the “Normative References” section should be changed from http to https.
  12. “End-User’s salutation” → “End-user’s salutation” (in “A.1.1.6. Claim salutation”)
  13. The example, “Mr.”, in “A.1.1.6. Claim salutation” contains a period, but this is different from the example in “4.3. Examples”.
  14. “End-User’s title” → “End-user’s title” (in “A.1.1.7. Claim title”)
  15. The example, “Dr.”, in “A.1.1.7. Claim title” contains a period, but this is different from the example in “4.3. Examples”.
  16. “End-User’s mobile” → “End-user’s mobile” (in “A.1.1.8. Claim msisdn”)
  17. Torsten’s affiliation in the “Author’s Addresses” should be changed from yes.com to his current organization.

Comments (6)

  1. Mark Haine

    Thanks Taka!

    Here are my opinions of these items

    1. Torsten’s affiliation in the “Authors” section should be changed from yes.com to his current organization. - ✅
    2. “draft” should be removed from the specification title. - ⚠ not until it is approved by foundation wide vote
    3. “an id_token” → “an ID Token” (in the “Introduction” section) - ✅
    4. The “Warning” section should be removed from the final version. - ⚠ agreed but not until it is approved by foundation wide vote
    5. “claim provider” → “a claims provider” (twice in “3.2. identity proofing”) ⚠ I think we settled on singular because of ISO guidance and translation challenges of plurals
    6. “claim provider” → “claims provider” (in “3.3. identity verification”) - ⚠ I think we settled on singular because of ISO guidance and translation challenges of plurals
    7. “claim provider” → “claims provider” (in “3.4. identity assurance”) - ⚠ I think we settled on singular because of ISO guidance and translation challenges of plurals
    8. “End-User data” → “end-user data” (in the first paragraph in “4.1. Additional claims about end-users”) - ✅
    9. “End-User’s place of birth” → “End-user’s place of birth” (in the description for place_of_birth in “4.1. Additional claims about end-users”) - ✅
    10. The scheme of the link to the OIDC Core spec in the “Normative References” section should be changed from http to https. - ✅
    11. The scheme of the link to the OIDC4IDA spec in the “Normative References” section should be changed from http to https. - ✅
    12. “End-User’s salutation” → “End-user’s salutation” (in “A.1.1.6. Claim salutation”) - ✅
    13. The example, “Mr.”, in “A.1.1.6. Claim salutation” contains a period, but this is different from the example in “4.3. Examples”. - ✅ need to decide which is correct (probably without)
    14. “End-User’s title” → “End-user’s title” (in “A.1.1.7. Claim title”) - ✅
    15. The example, “Dr.”, in “A.1.1.7. Claim title” contains a period, but this is different from the example in “4.3. Examples”.- ✅
    16. “End-User’s mobile” → “End-user’s mobile” (in “A.1.1.8. Claim msisdn”) - ✅
    17. Torsten’s affiliation in the “Author’s Addresses” should be changed from yes.com to his current organization. - ✅

  2. Takahiko Kawasaki reporter

    If “a claim provider” should not be changed to “a claims provider” for ISO, then, all occurrences of “a claims provider” in “OpenID for Identity Assurance schema definition 1.0” need to be replaced with “a claim provider”.

    The reason I suggested replacing “a claim provider with “a claims provider” was that I started my reviewing from “OpenID for Identity Assurance schema definition 1.0”.

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