Feedback on OIDC4IDA draft from Dima - part 1

Issue #1408 resolved
Mark Haine created an issue


  1. add word “protocol” after “OpenId Connect” on the 1st line
  2. remove word “verified” from “for providing relying parties with verified claims about end-users“
  3. add the following after “end-users” … ” that have a certain level of verification and/or additional metadata about the claim or the process of verification.”
  4. replace “or identity assurance and verification.  This extension facilitates the verification of the identity of a natural person.” with “for access control, entitlement decisions or input to further verification processes“


  1. first sentence of Introduction is repeat of first sentence of Abstract. replace “This specification defines an extension to OpenID Connect [OpenID] for providing relying parties with identity information,“ with “This extension to OpenID Connect [OpenID] standardises how relying parties request and receive identity information with additional assurance metadata,”
  2. update”While authentication is an aspect of an OpenID Connect transaction, assurance is a property of a certain claim or a group of claims” to “While authentication is an aspect of an OpenID Connect transaction, assurance and associated verification and validation details, is a property of a certain claim or a group of claims.”
  3. remove “by opt-in or similar mechanism”
  4. remove “therefore“ from “Identity assurance therefore requires a way to convey assurance data“
  5. remove whole paragraph “Note: This specifications fulfills the criteria for portability and interoperability mechanisms of Digital ID systems as defined in [FATF-Digital-Identity].“


  1. remove plurals from “This specification defines the technical mechanisms to allow relying parties to request verified claims“ so that it is “This specification is a definion the technical mechanism to allow a relying party to request one or more verified claim“
  2. then add “about the end-user“ immediately after the previous wording

Terms and definitions:

  1. claim: remove the text “SOURCE” and the associated new line
  2. identity proofing: add ref for “OP”
  3. Add new definition for “claim provider” that states it is synonymous with “claims provider” in OIDC Core
  4. verified claim - should not start with plural “claims”

Comments (6)

  1. Hodari McClain

    Quick review before diving in to make changes:

    1. add word “protocol” after “OpenId Connect” on the 1st line✅
    2. remove word “verified” from “for providing relying parties with verified claims about end-users“ ✅
    3. add the following after “end-users” … ” that have a certain level of verification and/or additional metadata about the claim or the process of verification.” ✅
    4. replace “or identity assurance and verification.  This extension facilitates the verification of the identity of a natural person.” with “for access control, entitlement decisions or input to further verification processes“⚠ not sure i understand the intent here--as part of the same sentence?


    1. first sentence of Introduction is repeat of first sentence of Abstract. replace “This specification defines an extension to OpenID Connect [OpenID] for providing relying parties with identity information,“ with “This extension to OpenID Connect [OpenID] standardises how relying parties request and receive identity information with additional assurance metadata,” ✅
    2. update”While authentication is an aspect of an OpenID Connect transaction, assurance is a property of a certain claim or a group of claims” to “While authentication is an aspect of an OpenID Connect transaction, assurance and associated verification and validation details, is a property of a certain claim or a group of claims.” ✅
    3. remove “by opt-in or similar mechanism” ✅
    4. remove “therefore“ from “Identity assurance therefore requires a way to convey assurance data“ ✅
    5. remove whole paragraph “Note: This specifications fulfills the criteria for portability and interoperability mechanisms of Digital ID systems as defined in [FATF-Digital-Identity].“ ✅


    1. remove plurals from “This specification defines the technical mechanisms to allow relying parties to request verified claims“ so that it is “This specification is a definition the technical mechanism to allow a relying party to request one or more verified claim“✅
    2. then add “about the end-user“ immediately after the previous wording ✅

    Terms and definitions:

    1. claim: remove the text “SOURCE” and the associated new line ✅
    2. identity proofing: add ref for “OP” ✅
    3. Add new definition for “claim provider” that states it is synonymous with “claims provider” in OIDC Core ✅
    4. verified claim - should not start with plural “claims” ✅

  2. Hodari McClain

    for Dima’s suggested edit to terms and definitions/identity proofing, OP already has a ref in Introduction section; will stage the change and discuss

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