[IDA Core] 'UserInfo' casing should be consistent and align to OIDC Core

Issue #1413 closed
Hodari McClain created an issue

There are two instances of ‘Userinfo’ in IDA spec. They should be ‘UserInfo’

ref: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html

Comments (9)

  1. Edmund Jay

    I’m inclined to use userinfo just to be safe. Connect also uses Token/Authorization/etc… and those were changed to lowercase so userinfo should be OK.

  2. Mark Haine

    hmmm - if we follow that approach then we should probably de-capitalise “OpenID Connect” as well which I think would be incorrect. I suspect but don’t know that the decapitalisation is much more about defined terms within the document than it is about proper names (An English language thing I know)

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