[Attachment] txn claim no longer relevant

Issue #1417 open
Kosuke Koiwai created an issue

now txn should be check_id.


txn: Optional. Identifier referring to the verification or validation transaction that generated a particular attachment. When used in the context of an [OpenID4IDA] response, the OP should ensure this matches a txn contained within check_method when check_method needs to reference the embedded attachment.


check_details: Optional. JSON array representing the checks done in relation to the evidence. When present this array shall have at least one member.

  • check_method: Required. String representing the check done, this includes processes such as checking the authenticity of the document, or verifying the user’s biometric against an identity document. For information on predefined check_details values see [predefined_values_page].
  • organization: Optional. String denoting the legal entity that performed the check. This should be included if the claim provider did not perform the check itself.
  • check_id: Optional. Identifier referring to the event where a check (either verification or validation) was performed. The claim provider shall ensure that this is present when evidence_ref element is used. The claim provider shall ensure that the transaction identifier can be resolved into transaction details during an audit.
  • time: Optional. Time stamp in ISO 8601 [ISO8601] YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm[:ss]TZD format representing the date when the check was completed.

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