FAPI part 2 - request_uri mandatory or optional?

Issue #156 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

§5.2.2.#1 requires the AS to enforce the "request" or "request_uri" parameter wheras §5.2.2#10/11 just make "request" mandatory to implement and "request_uri" optional

In my opinion, #1 should at least be extended to state "request_uri" shall be enforced if supported by the AS

Comments (13)

  1. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    The spec states "In addition, the authorization server, for the Write operation, ... shall require the request or request_uri parameter to be passed as a JWS signed JWT as in clause 6 of [OIDC];"

    My interpretation of this statement is that the AS expects the RP to send request or request_uri. Since request_uri is not mandatory to implement, it only makes sense to require request_uri if the AS supports it.

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