Accounts: Total Pages and Page does not make sense

Issue #2 wontfix
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Currently, Accounts are defined as

    description: An optionally paginated array of accounts.
    type: object
        type: integer
        format: int32
        description: Total number of results in this collection across all pages
        type: integer
        format: int32
        description: Total number of pages
        type: integer
        format: int32
        description: Current page number
        type: array
        description: An array of accounts with entity types dependent on the account type (deposit, investment, loan, or line of credit)
          $ref: '#/definitions/Account'

But it is a JSON data, and there is no notion of Page. So, Total Pages and Page does not make sense.

Propose to drop them.

Comments (7)

  1. Anoop Saxena

    • This features enables servers to send the response in parts (chunks). • IF the account too many and the implementation of API that returns accounts and transactions. It might be daunting task for server to query & collect all data in one query result. • None of the implementation so far has shown interest in this. But is an optional feature added. • I am ok with removing if it is confusing. • Total Pages – total Number pages resulted for query • Total – Number of accounts records • Page - Current page number returned. • I will try to find ; if this can be represented in mock up example if we decide to add to FAPI.

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