Error coding and API IDs should be added (Sascha)

Issue #26 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Developers do not want to give errors to customers, but still needs to know what error has happened where so they prefer to use error code and API ID. This will helps debugging, especially on libraries.

Comments (7)

  1. Nat Sakimura reporter

    Thanks Sascha, I have looked at your edits in issues/26 branch.

    Couple of questions/comments:

    1. In the ISO regulation, a hanging paragraph is not allowed, so the first few paragraph of the new Clause 8. need to be put in something like 8.1 Introduction.

    2. the expression like > and < does not work. Just saying "following pattern" etc. is not normative enough. It should say something like "The endpoint shall construct the error message by concatenating the API-ID value and the error ID with "-" (0x2D) and provide it in the x-fapi-error: HTTP header", etc.

    3. The 2nd sentence of 8.4 " Since the HTTP status code and the error message either do not identify the exact error cause and require parsing the message body" is a running sentence.

    4. Does the server need to publish the mapping table for API-IDs and the endpoints? I guess not but it should be explicit.

  2. Sascha Preibisch

    There needs to be a mapping of API-ID's and API's. I will probably take out the API-ID's section and create its own paragraph before the Error Responses one. There I will create a list/ mapping.

  3. Sascha Preibisch

    I have implemented the feedback (hopefully). I have created a new paragraph for API-IDs which I think is better on the long run. The numbering has changed.

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