FAPI-RW 1.0 certification tests using PAR

Issue #314 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

The OIDF certification team (based on some work by Kumar Jayanti and some further work by Authlete) now have FAPI-RW certification tests that can run against a server that supports only PAR, and also do some PAR-specific tests.

These tests have been tested against 3 implementations (and at least one more hopefully in progress), and appear to be correct and up to date with the current draft of the PAR standard. (I shall leave it up to those implementors whether they wish to be publicly mentioned.)

We’d appreciate any feedback from the working group about when they feel certification tests for FAPI with PAR could be launched.

The main reason this requires a bit of thought/insight from the work group is that the PAR spec is still a draft.

The reason we would want to launch them soon is that Australian CDR plan to roll out PAR starting from November 2020, which is pretty soon, and it would seem advantageous to have officially endorsed tests available prior to that.

Any thoughts are most welcome.

Comments (8)

  1. Torsten Lodderstedt

    Great to see PAR test under way! The reason you stated for launching it now sounds compelling to me. Regarding draft status: PAR is stable and in WGLC, so I don’t see an issue. We also have been conducting FAPI tests for quite some time but moving it to final just now.

  2. Takahiko Kawasaki

    From an implementer's point of view, the current draft of PAR does not have any arguable technical requirements. I mean that we (Authlete, Inc.) didn't find any issues that should be brought up to the WG after we finished implementing the current draft. In other words, the current draft of PAR is almost complete.

  3. Joseph Heenan reporter

    This was discussed on today’s FAPI WG call, a few people spoke out in favour and there were no objections.

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