FAPI2 Baseline: Sender-Constrained Authorization Code

Issue #413 resolved
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

FAPI 2.0 Baseline Profile (20 May 2021), 2.2.1. Requirements for Authorization Servers, The 12th clause:

  1. shall only issue authorization codes and refresh tokens that are sender-constrained

To sender-constrain authorization codes, DPoP is the only solution at this moment, isn’t it?

FAPI 1.0 ID1 Part2 had a similar requirement which assumes MTLS (and Token Binding) (e.g. 5.2.2-5, 8.3.2), but the requirement was dropped due to its impracticality (cf. [Issue 202] authorization code and refresh token must be holder of key bound).

Sorry if this has already been discussed in the WG and the clause is the agreed result of the discussion.

Comments (11)

  1. Takahiko Kawasaki reporter

    It sounds that the clause adds nothing new to typical authorization server implementations although "sender-constrained" is a bit misleading as the word historically reminds us of MTLS and Token Binding. "bound to a client instance" would be better than "sender-constrained". But, the clause doesn't have a technical problem if it means just "bound to a client instance". Thank you, Filip.

  2. Nat Sakimura
    • changed status to open

    Callers agreed at least clarification of the language probably is needed.

    Filip pointed out that it is used in the certification suite and removing it may not be appropriate.

  3. Brian Campbell

    Agree w/ Taka that "bound to a client instance" would be better than "sender-constrained"

    Or removing the the whole clause would be okay too as it’s redundant by virtue of only allowing confidential clients and RFC 6749 requiring code and RT be bound to the client.

  4. Dave Tonge

    I personally think that we can remove it, and still keep the tests in the conformance suite. RFC6749 seems pretty clear on this for confidential clients.

  5. Takahiko Kawasaki reporter

    It seems that options are

    1. removing the clause, or
    2. changing "sender-constrained" to "bound to a client instance"

    Personally, I don't have any preference. Either is okay. But, some people may want to start an argument on “what a client instance means”. 😅 In that sense, removing the clause simply may be peaceful.

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