FAPI 2.0 Purpose and FAPI WG Scope

Issue #425 open
Dave Tonge created an issue

There was some discussion on the call today about the purpose of FAPI 2.0 and how it fits with the WG Charter.

The current charter - https://openid.net/wg/fapi/charter/ is a little outdated, but is fairly broad in its remit. I don’t personally think that the charter prevents us from producing specifications based on OIDC / OAuth 2 that aid interoperability and security.

The purpose for FAPI 2.0 as expressed in our FAQ is:

  • complete interoperability at the interface between client and authorization server as well as interoperable security mechanisms at the interface between client and resource server.
  • easier to use than FAPI 1.0
  • alignment with OAuth Security BCP
  • clear attacker model

It would be good to get any feedback on this.

Comments (9)

  1. Daniel Fett

    With the references to read-only/read-write, JSON schemas, etc., the charter text indeed feels a little outdated. Nonetheless, I think that FAPI 2.0 is covered under “security profiles for OpenID Connect and OAuth”.

    Can we update the charter text?

  2. Dave Tonge reporter

    The OIDF is working on a new website, it would be great to get the charter updated as its very out of date

  3. Dave Tonge reporter

    we discussed on the call today - it should be possible to update the charter as its mainly a contraction. We should work on an updated charter in this issue

  4. Dave Tonge reporter

    Suggested updated charter:

    The FAPI working group provides JSON data schemas, security and privacy recommendations and protocols to enable applications to provide and use secure APIs. utilize the data stored in a financial account, to enable applications to interact with a financial account, and enable users to control the security and privacy settings.

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