grant_id is given but grant_management_action is not

Issue #447 resolved
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

How should the authorization server behave when an authorization request includes grant_id but does not include grant_management_action? Examples of possible behaviors for this case are as follows.

  1. Reject the authorization request
  2. Use update or replace as the default value of grant_management_action
  3. Ignore grant_id (and do nothing special for Grant Management)

One more relevant question is “how should the authorization server behave when an authorization request includes grant_id and the value of grant_management_action is create. Examples of possible behaviors are as follows.

  1. Reject the authorization request
  2. Ignore grant_id
  3. Issue a new grant ID that represents a grant which merges the privileges of the authorization request and the privileges of the grant specified by the grant_id

In other words, behaviors for the Case 4 and the Case 5 in the table below are not defined in the specification.

Case grant_id grant_management_action
1 not given create OK
2 not given replace NG
3 not given update NG
4 given not given ?
5 given create ?
6 given replace OK
7 given update OK

See also the issue #445 “Condition for a token response to include a grant_id” which is a case where an authorization request includes neither grant_id nor grant_management_action but the authorization server supports Grant Management. The question there is “whether a grant ID should be issued or not in the case?”

Comments (3)

  1. Takahiko Kawasaki reporter

    Feedback from an implementer: The current implementation of Authlete rejects requests in the cases of (4) and (5).

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