FAPI2-Baseline - has the time come to recommend/require TLS 1.3?

Issue #461 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

The current TLS restrictions in https://openid.net/specs/fapi-2_0-baseline-ID1.html#name-network-layer-protections are a little weaker than FAPI1-Adv, in particular FAPI2-Baseline allows the user of various ciphers known to be insecure.

We could make this much easier (and arguably, considerably more secure in the face of both correct and incorrect configuration given the many security improvements in TLS1.3) by just requiring the use of TLS 1.3. However I’m not sure we’re quite at that point yet?

It feels like TLS 1.3 support should at least be a ‘should’. And we should probably add that language from FAPI1-Adv that reduces the ciphers that can be used in TLS 1.2.

For browser support, see: https://caniuse.com/tls1-3

It seems TLS 1.3 support is relatively recent in Windows: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/secauthn/protocols-in-tls-ssl--schannel-ssp-

And it seems like Azure may not support TLS 1.3 as of today, and I couldn’t find anything saying if they have a plan to enable it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61927225/is-tls-1-3-available-on-azure-app-services/61927285#61927285

I didn’t do an exhaustive search but it seems like the other major cloud providers generally support TLS 1.3, although support for it in some AWS services was only enabled in the last few months: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2021/10/aws-network-load-balancer-supports-tls-1-3/

Comments (13)

  1. Nat Sakimura
    • changed status to open

    Recommending seems to be sensible. Requiring support may be ok. Requiring only using 1.3 may be premature.

  2. Joseph Heenan reporter

    Discussed again on today’s call.

    We want to continue to allow authorization servers to support TLS 1.2 if they need to / are not able to support TLS 1.3 for technical reasons, but on the call there seems to be a consensus that FAPI2 should say things “should” (i.e. are recommended to) support TLS 1.3.

    We need to make sure that FAPI2 isn’t less secure than FAPI1, so may need to strengthen the wording on FAPI2 to either say something like ‘the ‘should’s in the TLS BCP must be treated as 'musts’” and/or include the recommended cipher list as a MUST as FAPI1 does.

    There was some further discussion about whether the FAPI1 requirements would require the support of ciphers that aren’t allowed in Russia or in PCI DSS compliant environments, without a clear conclusion.

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