FAPI 2 Baseline: shall support authorization details if scope is not expressive enough needs enhancement to cover standard oidc claims.

Issue #480 resolved
Ralph Bragg created an issue

FAPI 2 Baseline requires implementers adopt RAR if scope is not sufficient to convey the intent behind the resource sharing request. The claims parameter can also be used to indicate what identity information should be shared from the user info endpoint or id_token both of which are resources. Therefor an interpretation could be made that the absence of the inclusion of both ‘scopes and/or claims’ being viable mechanisms for data sharing prevents the use of the claims parameter for requesting granular identity information which is not the intent behind this clause.

shall support the `authorization_details` parameter according to
   [@!I-D.ietf-oauth-rar] to convey the authorization clients want to obtain if
   the `scope` parameter is not expressive enough for that purpose

Perhaps the wording should be adjusted to rule out protected resources served by the authorisation server / connect.