ecosystems diverging from FAPI2-Baseline spec

Issue #481 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

I think it’s worth having a discussion about how ecosystems are diverging from FAPI2-Baseline, and if there’s anything we can do to prevent it becoming messy for interoperability.

So far I believe we have:

  1. at least one ecosystem (CDR) requiring the use of JARM when using FAPI2-Baseline
  2. at least one ecosystem (currently not public) requiring the use of signed request objects with FAPI2-Baseline

This also creates extra tensions about certification, effectively having quite a few variations of FAPI2 that people can certify to (unless we take a hardline that these ecosystems essentially aren’t FAPI2-Baseline compatible and refuse to certify them).

I think it’s not clear if these ecosystems would instead adopt FAPI2-Advanced if it was further along.

Comments (3)

  1. Joseph Heenan reporter

    Discussed on today’s call and there was a consensus that perhaps in FAPI2-Advanced the various different signing would be considered optional, and that to certify for FAPI2-Baseline you would have to comply with the spec as written.

    There was a further concern aired that perhaps the security analysis may reveal that JARM should be used in FAPI2-Baseline, but I believe Daniel Fett felt this was unlikely.

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