HTTP Signatures

Issue #541 resolved
Justin Richer created an issue

The section on the use of HTTP Message Signing ( is difficult to follow for an implementor. I would suggest the following changes to improve both its effectiveness and security:

  • split both the “client” and “RS” sections into “signer” and “verifier” roles for each. Right now it’s confusing that the client would need to pull the RS’s key when the rest of the requirements are for signing.
  • Alternatively, split into “requests from the client to the RS” and “responses from the RS to the client”, and give requirements for both the signer and verifier in each case.
  • don’t sign the “date” header – it’s often not available to higher level applications. Instead use the “created” signature parameter and require it to be within a reasonably short time window
  • define a value for “tag” parameter (new parameter in the signatures draft) for both requests and responses. Can be a fixed string or pattern to detect, but recommend a fixed string of “fapi-2-advanced-request” and “fapi-2-advanced-response” or something like that (note: this used to be named “context”)
  • Require signing the “authorization” header with the token value
  • Require signing the “dpop” header if present
  • suggest the use of a “nonce” signature parameter with a random value to prevent replay
  • recommend signing of other headers or items relevant to the RS’s API

Comments (12)

  1. Dave Tonge

    not sure about the nonce, we already have:

    • created
    • access token
    • body digest

    in the signature

  2. Justin Richer reporter

    Access token and digest don't prevent replay of the whole message. Created does mitigate that somewhat, if the acceptance window is small. Nonce adds uniqueness within the acceptance window of created.

  3. Dave Tonge

    I agree about a nonce being useful to detect replay, its just that in this scenario the signatures are mainly for non-repudiation. Would be good to discuss.

    I’ve tried to address the other comments in the pr above

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