FAPI Acronym

Issue #599 open
Nat Sakimura created an issue

While we decided that FAPI does not stand for any acronym, that still is a bit of hard sell.

During Steiner’s presentation at EIC, which emphasised the importance of the Formal Analysis, this new acronym came up:

Formally Analysed Protection Interface

That communicates what we do. Then, FAPI 2.0 Security can be FAPI 2.0 Core as well.

Please discuss.

Comments (4)

  1. Joseph Heenan

    Points from today’s WG call:

    Maybe sticking with FAPI meaning nothing is best

    We’re not sure if all FAPI standards will be formally analysed (though I guess that is the aim)

    Formally Analysed Protection Interface Security Profile is rather a mouthful.

    What problem are we trying to solve? (That people keep calling it Financial-grade API, and we want to get away from people thinking FAPI is only for financial use cases was we want it used it other industries like health etc)

    FAPI1 Final still says “Financial-grade”

    Feeling in the room was to stick with FAPI meaning nothing.

  2. Nat Sakimura reporter
    • changed status to open

    On May 17, the callers discussed for 20 min. The concern was that people keep referencing FAPI as Financial-grade API and if we insist long enough that it does not stand for anything, the question will go away, just like in the case of OAuth.

    I will close the issue next week if there is no other opinions.

  3. Brian Campbell

    Related - I just noticed that on https://openid.net/wg/fapi/ there’s currently what looks like out-of-date and/or inconsistent content about what FAPI is. I don’t know if the recent site redesign introduced this or if it’s been there and overlooked for a while. But there’s some financial specific content and contradictory statements about “data models or standards for financial or other APIs” that should be fixed.

  4. Joseph Heenan

    Thanks Brian. There’s also out of date info on the same page about FAPI2 certification tests - I’ve passed both bits of feedback onto Mike L (who is managing the website work).

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