Request for clarification on fapi1-advanced-final-par-pushed-authorization-url-as-audience-in-request-object test case

Issue #620 resolved
Vimukthi Rajapaksha created an issue

Hi Team,

The “fapi1-advanced-final-par-pushed-authorization-url-as-audience-in-request-object” test case[1] in “fapi1-advanced-final-test-plan[2]” version 5.1.5 sends the PAR endpoint URL as the audience in the request object. The authorization server is expected to reject the request with an invalid_request_object error message. However, according to the RFC 9126#section-2[3] specification, the authorization server MUST accept its issuer identifier, token endpoint URL, or pushed authorization request endpoint URL as valid aud values. This seems to be a conflict between the test case and the specification. we would appreciate it if we could clarify this.


Thank you,

Comments (6)

  1. Joseph Heenan

    Hi Vimukthi

    Can you clarify which of your observations are about request objects and which are about private_key_jwt client assertions please? The text you quote relates to private_key_jwt client assertions, whereas the test you mention is for request objects.



  2. Vimukthi Rajapaksha reporter

    Hi Joseph,

    Thank you for your prompt response. We would like clarification on the aud value in the request object. The test case points to Section 2.1 of the RFC 9126 specification[1]. However, we could not find any reference in that section that explicitly prohibits the use of the PAR endpoint as the request object aud value. Could you kindly point out which references you have used to reach this conclusion?


    Thank you,

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