one-time use of request_uri causing error

Issue #635 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

From: Dec 13 Call:

It was found in Australia that one-time usage for request_uri in PAR causes errors in some browser-to-app interactions.

A combination of browser and virus checker was consuming the PAR uri by the time the client got the PAR response.

May need some guidance regarding relaxing the strict one-time usage of PAR uri.

Wording from PAR:

Authorization servers SHOULD treat request_uri values as one-time use but MAY allow for duplicate requests due to a user reloading/refreshing their user agent.

Relaxing one-time usage may be dangerous but might be practical

May write implementation advice/note that these situations may arise

We are going to reach out to the Stuttgart team to find if it is a show-stopper if we relax it.

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