allow use of a future fully specified JWS algorithm identifier for EdDSA w/ Ed25519

Issue #658 resolved
Filip Skokan created an issue

The to-be-adopted JOSE WG draft aims to add a fully specified identifier for the EdDSA using Ed25519 sub-type algorithm.

The FAPI 2.0 SP language should account to allow this future fully specified algorithm identifier. Today its use would be prohibited on the account of the language enumerating actual algorithm identifiers.

Comments (8)

  1. Brian Campbell

    Filip is technically correct here, I think. Maybe using more general names/descriptions rather than actual algorithm identifiers? Although that’s maybe harder/uglier to do than it sounds…

  2. Nat Sakimura

    Perhaps we should try to do it in FAPI 2.1 or something like that? Or is there concrete action that we can do now?

  3. Filip Skokan reporter

    Perhaps we should try to do it in FAPI 2.1 or something like that? Or is there concrete action that we can do now?

    We’re not in a position that we can’t change 2.0 yet. Unless there’s good reason not to do this I think we should account for it now.

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