CAA records

Issue #692 resolved
Dave Tonge created an issue

5.2.1. Requirements for all endpoints
NOTE 1: Even if an endpoint uses only organization validated (OV) or extended validation (EV) TLS certificates, an attacker using rogue domain-validated certificates is able to impersonate the endpoint and conduct man-in-the-middle attacks. CAA records [RFC8659] help to mitigate this risk.

[Rifaat] The above statement is suggesting that implementation should consider implementing CAA records to avoid this attack. Why not explicitly call that out, instead of mentioning this in a note?

Comments (4)

  1. Dave Tonge reporter

    we had a brief discussion, it probably is possible to test this so we could make it normative. @Daniel Fett what do you think?

  2. Daniel Fett

    Yes, it is hard to test, it might not be a perfect protection, and feels like overstepping into territory outside of FAPI’s scope.

  3. Nat Sakimura

    From FAPI WG Meeting (2024-05-15)

    • Provide hints to implementers to mitigate impersonated domain validated certificates
    • It is hard to test and so we will not make it normaitve.
    • Consensus to leave current text as-is recommending but not requiring CAA records, as requiring them would be outside the scope of FAPI

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