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HEART / 2015-03-30

Goals for F2F meeting at HIMSS

Go through the OAuth and OIDC drafts and the on-the-ground implementations that support the existing drafts and the deltas, and also put together a skeleton UMA draft.

Understand impacts of Argonaut with Josh.

In PoF, scopes are being picked; they just haven’t been put into a document yet. Could this knowledge be gathered together, and then a delta exercise be done so that we understand UMA-style scopes? Yes. Matching scopes to resource types has subtleties and can’t just be unthinkingly mapped. HEART will have to analyze complexity of the sort that includes all the thorniness of sharing only “step count” with “insurance company” and not other similar data with other similar recipients. Resources might be a good top level, and then there may be sensitivity levels within them.

Eve can also reprise the Kantara OpenUMA demo as an illustration of one experience option for data sharing. And Justin can reprise the PoF demo.
