oauth2 Profile - 2.3.2 @torsten comment

Issue #11 resolved
Paul Grassi created an issue


„Full clients, native clients with dynamically registered keys, and direct access clients as defined above MUST authenticate to the authorization server's token endpoint using a JWT assertion as defined by the JWT Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants using only the private_key_jwt method defined in OpenID Connect Core.“

I understand requirement for public key crypto, but mTLS would fulfill this requirement as well. I recommend to include it.

Note: You raise the bar for client authentication while at the same time allowing unauthenticated/public clients. How does this match the intended increase in baseline security as stated in the introduction?

Comments (4)

  1. John Bradley

    Add other forms of public key crypto.

    Make a note that client_secret_jwt is not recommended due to key management challenges and not specific security concerns.

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