Clarify public signing key requirements for IdPs as NPE certificates

Issue #42 resolved
Tom Clancy created an issue

[2.3] The IdP’s public signing keys MUST be made available in the form of NPE certificates issued to the IdP.

Currently, the requirement reads: “[2.3] The public key of the issuing server is published in JSON Web Key (JWK) format.”

Comments (2)

  1. Tom Clancy reporter

    RESOLVED in PR #18 and PR#20/24 by streamlining key usage in JWK/JWK Sets, and recommending the use of NPE PKIs, when available, for implementation of RFC 8705 for alicent AuthN or sender-constraining tokens:

    A non-person entity PKI SHOULD be used rather than a self-signed TLS client certificate if available.
                            The PKI method provides security value by
                            allowing the authorization server to rely upon externally validated client entity
                            identifiers and attributes, and simplifies lifecycle management, including key rotation.
  2. Tom Clancy reporter

    RESOLVED in PR #18 and PR#20/24 by streamlining key usage in JWK/JWK Sets, and recommending the use of NPE PKIs, when available, for implementation of RFC 8705 for client AuthN or sender-constraining tokens

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