CIBA: other request parameters when "request" is present

Issue #117 resolved
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

When a backchannel authentication request contains the request request parameter, should it be allowed or not for other request parameters to be included?

The authorization endpoint of OIDC allows (has to allow) other request parameters to coexist with the request request parameter (or the request_uri request parameter) so that the behavior of the endpoint can comply with RFC 6749 at the same time.

However, because the backchannel authentication endpoint is a new endpoint, it is possible to decide to state "other request parameters should not be present when the request request parameter is present".

On the other hand, if other request parameters are allowed, it will be better to add some notes to secure consistency between bare request parameters and the request object. For example, in OIDC Core 1.0 says in "6.1. Passing a Request Object by Value" as follows:

So that the request is a valid OAuth 2.0 Authorization Request, values for the response_type and client_id parameters MUST be included using the OAuth 2.0 request syntax, since they are REQUIRED by OAuth 2.0. The values for these parameters MUST match those in the Request Object, if present.

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Campbell

    When a CIBA signed authentication request is used, all of the authentication request parameters are to be encoded as claims in the JWT. We can add some clarifying text along the lines of your suggestion, "other request parameters should not be present when the request request parameter is present".

  2. Travis Spencer

    In which pull request was this clarified, Brian? That link is broken. Also, what if the client ID and secret are in a basic authorization header? What if they are posted in the form? Should they also be in the JWT? It seems that client authentication params are outside and non-client-auth params are in the JWT. What if client_id and client_secret are in the JWT though? Which should be used? It seems those are not defined as a part of the CIBA request, so they should be ignored if in the JWT request obj.

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