Security Considerations

Issue #122 resolved
Dave Tonge created an issue

I've opened this issue so we can get any additional security considerations into the draft. From the user_code issue we have the following:

  1. user_code should not be stored by the RP
  2. The OP should provide a method for the user to change the user_code

(are these security considerations or should they go into the user_code section of the spec)

Comments (7)

  1. Dave Tonge reporter

    we agreed to make the first point a MUST NOT and keep the second as a SHOULD. We discussed making the wording more explicit in the first one, i.e. the RP MUST ask the user for the user-code each time.

    I will propose wording for this. We also agreed that this should be in the main user_code section rather than in the security considerations

  2. Brian Campbell

    Merged pull request #52

    I think this can be resolved @dgtonge, if the "2 extra clauses to the user code section" are all that were still needed?

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