Sector id inconsistencies in CIBA

Issue #132 resolved
James Manger created an issue

Comments on openid-client-initiated-backchannel-authentication-core-01 (2018-12-13):

CIBA discusses using a sector id to derive pairwise ids in section 4 “Registration and Discovery Metadata” and section 14 “Pairwise Identifiers”, but they are inconsistent. Section 14 says clients MUST specify their sector_identifier_uri if the OP uses pairwise ids; while section 4 says jwks_uri is used as a sector id, then that backchannel_client_notification_endpoint can be used as the sector id, and sector_identifier_uri is merely an option to be the sector id.

Section 4 mentions ways to confirm a client controls the jwks_uri they claim; while section 14 says there is no way to do this for polling mode.

The sector id is presumably the host portion (not the full uri) of sector_identifier_uri, jwks_uri, or backchannel_client_notification_endpoint. The text incorrectly says the URI is the sector id (in the 1st & 2nd paragraphs of “Poll and Ping Modes with Pairwise Identifier”).

The section 4 example “POST /connect/register” needs a “sector_identifier_uri” member since “subject_type” is “pairwise” and section 14 says the clients MUST specify sector_identifier_uri in this case.

Comments (6)

  1. Dave Tonge

    Thanks James, this is a good catch. I've addressed this in:

    • I've removed Section 14 - it was out of sync with the rest of the draft and I don't think added anything that wasn't covered in Section 4
    • I've made it clear that it is the host component of the URI that is the sector identifier
    • I've made it clear that jwks_uri is only required for clients registering to use poll or ping modes

    With the removal of Section 14, I believe the example if now correct.

    In the interest of time I've pushed this straight into the main branch - but it would be good if @b_d_c @james_manger & @ve7jtb could take a quick look.

  2. James Manger reporter

    I would prefer to keep: if an OP uses pairwise ids then a CIBA client MUST specify a sector_identifier_uri. Then simplify the other text based on that.

  3. Dave Tonge

    So OIDC says that Clients SHOULD specify a sector_identifier_uri for pairwise ids. What rationale do we have for upgrading this to a MUST?

  4. Brian Campbell

    As I read it OIDC says that providers should use sector_identifier_uri and leaves it optional for clients. I don't see reason to require it (and place additional demands on clients) in this context.

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