unexpected language requiring clients to call token endpoint after receiving a callback

Issue #139 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue

10.2. Ping Callback says:

For valid requests, the Client MUST use the received auth_req_id to make a Token Request using the Backchannel Request Grant Type to the Token Endpoint as described in Token Request Using Backchannel Request Grant Type.

To me, this says that the client MUST call the token endpoint, even if it is no longer interested in the result of the authentication. I am not sure if that was intended?

Comments (7)

  1. Joseph Heenan reporter

    Slightly related; perhaps it is expected/required that the client returns HTTP 401 unauthorized if it is no longer interested in the result?

  2. Dave Tonge

    For your first point do you think we should change: "MUST" to "can now" as in:

    For valid requests, the Client can now use the received auth_req_id

  3. Dave Tonge

    For your second point I don't think we need to define that behaviour. It could be supported by an implementation if required without breaking the spec. We already have this phrase:

    How the OP handles HTTP error codes in the ranges of 4xx and 5xx is out-of-scope of this specification.

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