7.1 The length limitation of 1024 characters sounds like allowing muti-byte characters that actually is not

Issue #157 closed
Nat Sakimura created an issue

The current text says:

‌ The length of the token MUST NOT exceed 1024 characters and it MUST conform to the syntax for Bearer credentials as defined in Section 2.1 of [RFC6750].

Since Section 2.1 of RFC6750 mandates the string to be composed of b64token character-set, the byte length of “1024 characters” is actually deterministic but it does not sound like that for a new reader. It probably is kinder to the reader if it stated “1024 octet” instead.

Comments (3)

  1. Bjorn Hjelm

    The issue was discussed on WG call (July 9) but the group determined that the existing text was sufficient. Issue to be closed without action.

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