nbf and jti claims in section 7.1.1.

Issue #165 resolved
Jorge Oliva created an issue

In Section 7.1.1. say that “The JWT MUST also contain the following [RFC7519] registered claims:“ and then in the list nbf and jti appear, but reading the JWT specification this claims are optionals and also reading OpenId Connect Core Section 6 where describe the “Passing a Request Object by Value“ only say that claims iss and aud are mandatory if the JWT requets is signed.

The question here is, why CIBA put nbf and jti claim as mandatory?

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Campbell

    jit is just an identifier for the data object that can be used in support of auditing, logging, etc.

  2. Jorge Oliva reporter

    And why this id is mandatory in CIBA spec? in OpenID for example this claim is not mandatory at all, there are any reason?

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