Create an IANA registry for parameters at the Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication endpoint?

Issue #209 new
Joseph Heenan created an issue

There isn’t currently an IANA registry for CIBA endpoint parameters like binding_message etc.

As we have people registering new parameters into that namespace there perhaps should be?


and probably in the future:

Comments (7)

  1. Brian Campbell

    AFAIK an IANA registry isn’t something OIDF can do. So this might not be exactly simple to accomplish. Mike has some experience with this around the OP/AS metadata registry.

  2. Michael Jones

    Only an RFC can create an IANA registry. There’s precedent for creating an RFC for creating registries for non-IETF working groups, such as That said, there’s also plenty of extensible fields defined by OpenID specs, such as subject_types_supported, for which there is no registry. New values would simply be defined by new specifications. And that can be OK too.

    I’d be glad to discuss this further.

  3. Bjorn Hjelm

    I’ll work on an RFC draft together with @Joseph Heenan using RFC 8809 as a template. If there’re additional RFC examples, that would be appreciated.

  4. Joseph Heenan reporter

    Hi Nat

    From memory, we have RAR which defines the authorization_details parameter for the CIBA endpoint, and there is a proposal somewhere to create a new spec that essentially imports the claims parameter from OIDC into CIBA

    Having a central list of the CIBA parameters hence seemed sensible, but if you have other suggestions please do share them.

  5. Joseph Heenan reporter

    We also have the ekyc-ida spec that may/should/will define the verified_claims parameter for the CIBA endpoint.

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