Add operator list (in case MNO cannot be determined automatically)

Issue #25 new
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

in case the MNO cannot be determined based on the parameters supplied by the RP, the discovery service shall provide the RP with a list of potential operators. This is especially useful for native apps. They can provide the user with a list to select the MNO from.

Comments (3)

  1. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    Questions: - Is it possible to filter the list down? Could be possible since SP has to sign up for MNOs - How would this list be sorted? - Is it really useful to have a list? Alternatively, the client could also use the user interaction endpoint in case of an error.

  2. Bjorn Hjelm

    in case the MNO cannot be determined based on the parameters supplied by the RP, the discovery service shall provide the RP with a list of potential operators. This is especially useful for native apps. They can provide the user with a list to select the MNO from.

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