Mobile Registration : napps application type

Issue #32 new
Matthieu Verdier created an issue

On the sup^port of "napps" client application type : The point I was trying to make with regard to Modrna registration issues is that Modrna is agnostic to the Client Application Type, at least for the two application types defined in Openid Connect Dynamic Registration 1.0. The default type for Modrna should be “web”. But there is no counter indication of using a “napps” application type if the Modrna OP supports “napps” requests in the future.

This comes with two comments : - The napps Openid WG has not finalized its documents, thus the “napps” applicatuin type is a draft definition. - Mobile device OSs can provide the “napps” SSO functionalities natively

Comments (4)

  1. Torsten Lodderstedt

    we just learned at the Internet Identity Workshop that the NAPPS working group changed direction and will no longer propose usage of token agents for native apps. Instead, the recommendation for native apps is to use new browser features (e.g. custom chrome tabs). So we should be fine with using the application types from the OpenID Connect Client registration types (web and native).

  2. Bjorn Hjelm

    On the sup^port of "napps" client application type : The point I was trying to make with regard to Modrna registration issues is that Modrna is agnostic to the Client Application Type, at least for the two application types defined in Openid Connect Dynamic Registration 1.0. The default type for Modrna should be “web”. But there is no counter indication of using a “napps” application type if the Modrna OP supports “napps” requests in the future.

    This comes with two comments : - The napps Openid WG has not finalized its documents, thus the “napps” applicatuin type is a draft definition. - Mobile device OSs can provide the “napps” SSO functionalities natively

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