Client Initiated Backend Authentication Registration

Issue #57 new
Axel Nennker created an issue

Currently dynamic registration and sector_identitifier_uri work only for clients that have redirect_uris because that is used to validate the client.

CIBA clients do not necessarily have redirect_uris so adding CIBA clients to a group of clients that share a SIU. There seem to be solutions possible for clients with notification_uris and/or jwks_uris this, too, is currently not in standard OpenId.Registration

Comments (2)

  1. Bjorn Hjelm

    Currently dynamic registration and sector_identitifier_uri work only for clients that have redirect_uris because that is used to validate the client.

    CIBA clients do not necessarily have redirect_uris so adding CIBA clients to a group of clients that share a SIU. There seem to be solutions possible for clients with notification_uris and/or jwks_uris this, too, is currently not in standard OpenId.Registration

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