Support for different languages for the client_name

Issue #64 new
Bjorn Hjelm created an issue

In the OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration specification, client_name is defined (Name of the Client to be presented to the End-User) with option ("if desired") of defining this Claim in different languages.

For example, values such as client_name, tos_uri, policy_uri, logo_uri, and client_uri might have multiple locale-specific values in some Client registrations. Language tags (per RFC5646) can be added to the Client Metadata member names.

For MODRNA, SHOULD client_name support different languages?

Comments (1)

  1. Bjorn Hjelm reporter

    In the OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration specification, client_name is defined (Name of the Client to be presented to the End-User) with option ("if desired") of defining this Claim in different languages.

    For example, values such as client_name, tos_uri, policy_uri, logo_uri, and client_uri might have multiple locale-specific values in some Client registrations. Language tags (per RFC5646) can be added to the Client Metadata member names.

    For MODRNA, SHOULD client_name support different languages?

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