section 3.5

Issue #9 closed
John Bradley created an issue

What is the discovery endpoint? Is it a modified authz/tokens endpoint or is it comparable to the user info endpoint? I'm asking because I don't understand whether the JWT is returned as a certain parameter or whether it is the body content of a response.

I feel text and example do not match in section 4.5. Based on the text I would assume, the result of the discovery endpoint requets is

{ "user_iss": "", "login_hint_token": "i5555551212..." }

where the login_hint_token contains the following JSON object:

{ "iss": "", "aud": "", "exp": 1311281970, "iat": 1311280970, "MSISDN": "1234567876543" "login_hint": "1234567876543" }

Regarding the login_hint_token itself:

Why does it contain MSISDN and login_hint? I would assume login_hint is the super set of MSISDN.

What is the purpose for including MCC, MNC? They do not identify a certain access line/subscription (potentially user account) with the MNO.

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